I've teamed up with so many amazing bookfluencers to bring you this tour to celebrate the launch of Royal Rebel!
Keep scrolling to find all the tour details and links, as well as buy links for the books and the pre-order gift sign-up!

A huge thank you to all the bloggers and reviewers
who participated and made this tour possible!
Haven't read the beginning of this YA fantasy romance series?
Learn about Royal Decoy here: https://www.heatherfrost.com/fate-of-eyrinthia-series
MONDAY, April 17
Bookz.For.You.2 - Book Review + Excerpt: https://www.instagram.com/books.for.you.2/
@books.for.you.2 on Instagram
Jeanine Reed - Book Review: https://www.instagram.com/jeaninetaniece/
@jeaninetaniece on Instagram
Literary Time Out - Book Review + Excerpt: https://literarytimeout.blogspot.com/2023/04/blog-tour-royal-rebel-by-heather-frost.html
@Literarytimeout on Facebook and Instagram
TUESDAY, April 18
An English Major's Dilemma - Book Review + Author Guest Post: https://www.instagram.com/anenglishmajorsdilemma/
@anenglishmajorsdilemma on Instagram
Books Read By Tracy - Book Review: https://www.instagram.com/booksreadbytracy/
@booksreadbytracy on Instagram
Thind Books - Book Review + Author Interview: https://thindbooks.wordpress.com/2023/04/18/royal-rebel-by-heather-frost-rev/
@thindbooks on Instagram
Bookworm Lisa - Book Review + Excerpt: http://lisaisabookworm.blogspot.com
@bookwormlisa on Instagram
Darkest Sins - Author Guest Post: The Top Villains in Eyrinthia: https://darkestsinsblog.com/the-top-villains-in-eyrinthia-royal-rebel-blog-tour/
@silviartsy on Instagram
One Book More - Book Review + Excerpt: https://onebookmore.com/2023/04/19/blog-tour-book-review-royal-rebel-by-heather-frost/
@1bookmore on Instagram
THURSDAY, April 20
A Lady and Her Literature - Book Review + Character Interview (Bennick): https://www.instagram.com/a_lady_and_her_literature/
@a_lady_and_her_literature on Instagram
Batty's Mama - Book Review + Character Interview (Imara): https://battysmammareads.blogspot.com/2023/04/heather-frosts-royal-rebel-book-tour.html
@cherumanalil on Instagram
Books Less Travelled - Book Review + Author Interview: https://bookslesstravelledreviews.wordpress.com/2023/04/20/blog-tour-royal-rebel-fate-of-eyrinthia-4-by-heather-frost/
@bookslesstravelled on Instagram
Laura Miller - Book Review: https://www.instagram.com/Loulasjoys/
@loulasjoys on Instagram
Singing Librarian Books - Book Review + Excerpt: https://www.singinglibrarianbooks.com/young-adult/royal-rebel-fate-of-eyrinthia-4-by-heather-frost-blog-tour-excerpt-review
@singinglibrarianbooks on Instagram
FRIDAY, April 21
Getting Your Read On - Book Review + Character Interview (Grayson): https://gettingyourreadonaimeebrown.blogspot.com/2023/04/royal-rebel-fate-of-eyrinthia-4-by.html
M. H. Woodscourt - Book Review: https://www.instagram.com/woodscourtbooks/
Min Reads and Reviews - Book Review + Excerpt: https://minreadsandreviews.blogspot.com/2023/04/royal-rebel-by-heather-frost-blog-tour.html
@minreads15 on Instagram
On Review By Sara - Book Review + Author Interview: https://onreviewbysara.com/beyond-the-book/
@onreviewbysara on Instagram
Stars Books and Tea - Book Review + Author Guest Post: Behind the Scenes in Writing Eyrinthia: https://starsbooksandtea.com/2023/04/21/royal-rebel-blog-tour-and-review/
@starsbooksandtea on Instagram
Why Not? Because I Said So - Book Review + Excerpt: https://whynotbecauseisaidso.blogspot.com/2023/04/royal-rebel-fate-of-eyrinthia-book-4-by.html
Grab your copy here, or from your favorite bookseller: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BRPRPPQ1
Pre-order Royal Rebel and get an EXCLUSIVE short story!
(Details below!)
Add on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/83144096-royal-rebel

Preorder Royal Rebel and get your exclusive Fate of Eyrinthia short story!

About the Story:
Serene knows things have been strained between her parents since the civil war ended. She hopes a trip to Lambern Lake will bring her family back together. What she doesn’t expect is to grow closer to her new bodyguard, Cardon. Serene is about to learn that one day can irrevocably change the course of a life.
To get your pre-order gift, simply preorder Royal Rebel in any format, take a screenshot of your receipt, and fill out the form here: https://forms.gle/M3CPw3Y6RaLLChdw6